Thursday, 5 September 2013

Marty Jones vs Bull Blitzer (4/23/86)

Essentially an 80s prelude to Finlay vs Benoit. Terrific matwork and chain wrestling from both, structured nicely with some heelish antics from Blitzer and some hellacious strikes from both men.

Both men trade nice sequences early on with a nice 'rule of threes' spot where Blitzer takes down Jones twice with ease before Jones counters on the third attempt and hits a takedown of his own and there's an especially sweet ankle hold spot where Blitzer just continually tears at the leg and repeatedly stretches it to keep the hold locked in. He also takes a terrific over the top rope bump from Jones in the early minutes which was flat out sensational. I noted some of the strikes thrown here are hellacious and there's two uppercuts that Jones hits that Wright sells magnificently by essentialy turning 360 degrees into the next one before taking a lovely bodyslam that they work into a close 10 count, Wright trying to attack Jones after a lock up but collapsing due to his back was some nifty selling. Both men are tremendously slick though in each sequence and Jones in particular hits a lovely lucha esque over the shoulder hurricanrana into a hold that looked incredibly smooth. There was also one hilarious exchange where Wright cartwheels to avoid Jones and Jones just playfully slaps him the minute he lands!

There's a great headscissors figure four lock next which Jones sells tremendously well, Wright hits a disgusting knee drop to the throat and whilst he's posing and picking fights with the Women's Institute in the crowd Wright is stumbling around and unable to breath from the onslaught, god I'm starting to legit mark for Marty Jones. Wright also cheapshots Jones in the corner and really plays up the disrespectul foreigner who convieniently can't follow the rules due to the language barrier and takes the single greatest bump off of a turnbuckle shot I've ever seen, its like a mini cannonball. Wright eventually takes the first fall with a terrifc gut wrench slam off of a Jones top rope counter.

2nd fall is terrificly short but does all it needs to. Jones goes on the onslaught and attempts to overpower Wright and after a backslide isn't enough he hits an insane takedown pin that looked amazing and ties the match up. Really felt like a lucha fall with how one sided it was in how Jones dominates, really sets up the final fall terrificly.

Final fall starts off brilliantly as Wright wants no part of Jones and circles the ring to compose himself before getting back in the ring and hitting a lovely arm wringer which Jones really went all out for in bumping. The tension in each lock up is much more dramatic and hate filled and Wright gets progressivly pissed off as Jones manages to bust out sweet counters for everything he attempts to control with. Each lock up is incredibly dramatic and hate filled and both men bump insanely in the final fall to the point where you feel a pinfall or submission is incredibly near and the top rope kneedrop to the ribs of Jones was flat out disgusting. This really wouldn't look out of place in a Mexico ring tbh. There was sadly a botch towards the end with Wright attempting to leap onto the top rope freestyle but slipping and falling to the mat, in fairness between Jones going for a quick pin and both men selling the wear and tear amazingly well it did sort of fit into the match environment with neither man being in great condition to attempt such a move. The finish itself is pretty nuts, shortly after the botch Jones catches Wright coming off of the rope with a sick dropkick but hits his head on the mat upon impact and once Wright regains his composure hits a beautiful tombstone for the pin.

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